Why Would I Need a MA License to Carry?

If you are like me, you may carry a weapon on your person from time to time. In New Hampshire, we have “Constitutional Carry”, which means you don’t need to ask permission of any state bureaucrat for the ability to exercise your natural rights.

Our good neighbors to the south, however, are under different laws, and their bureaucrats, unfortunately, don’t respect such rights.

If you ever find yourself “south of the border” and forget or don’t know about the laws, they certainly don’t forget, and you could find yourself in quite a bit of trouble if it is discovered that you are peacefully carrying. This could happen through no fault of your own if, say, you were in a traffic accident.

One way to protect yourself is to have a Massachusetts License to Carry (LTC). This is available for non-residents through an application process.

In years past, it was difficult for a non-resident to get a MA LTC. But recently it has been much easier. All you need is a certificate that shows you have passed the “MA LTC Firearms Safety Training Program”. You can then take this certificate and apply for your LTC from Massachusetts.

Like you, I find it distasteful that I must ask a bureaucrat for permission to exercise my rights. But I also find it distasteful to spend 18 months in prison.

For a hundred bucks a year, this is great insurance to keep your freedom.

We offer a class that qualifies as the training requirement you need to apply.

More info on the class here.

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