42 events found.
The Pine Tree Radio Society is working on building a collection of radio repeaters to allow anyone in New Hampshire to communicate across the entire state by radio. This might come in handy in the case of other communications systems breaking down. Bring any equipment you would like to show off or get help programming....
In New England, the foraging bees are busy collecting nectar, pollen, and water. Back home, the workers are evaporating the nectar into honey and storing it for the winter. The queen is making babies as fast as she can, and the nurse bees are feeding the babies pollen for protein and honey for energy. The...
As part of the "Get to Know New Hampshire" weekend, we'll be having a range day at the Garnet School range. For more information and to register, click here:
Textile Arts is an umbrella term describing functional or decorative arts using sewing, weaving, crocheting, knitting, and embroidery.We’ll learn all of these crafts, individually, and then in combination.The class is 2 hours with a short break in the middle for snack and chatAges 9 and up.
Intro to woodworking, ages 8 and upTopics covered:Wood properties, species identificationMeasurements, angles, markingFasteners, clamping styles, glue-upsCutting, drilling, hammering, mostly hand toolsBuilding small household items with kits, sanding, finishing
This class provides a foundation to radio communications, from line-of-sight handhelds to over-the-horizon HF radio. Focus will be on compact, efficient, and portable operations out of a backpack or vehicle.Learn what is needed to make contact throughout your neighborhood, neighboring states, neighboring countries, or even “across the pond” into Europe, Asia, and Africa.Topics include:Licensing and...
It's almost Halloween, our favorite time of year! Join us for a little festival at Garnet School. You'll have fun, and also get prepared for the big day!Cookie decorating, fall and Halloween shapesPumpkin carvingFace paintingWreath makingApple bobbingMake a scarecrowMulled apple cider, fresh from the farmPumpkin pie and pumpkin cheesecake, organic and homemadeAutumnal quiche, farm ingredients...