My Soap Journey

My Soap Journey

My story started, as many do, with Fight Club. The 1999 cult classic gave us the fundamentals of how to make soap. I had to know more. Soap has been with us for thousands of years. Legend has it that we get the word “soap” from Italy’s Mt. Sapo, near Rome. The women washing clothes…



In one of the podcasts I listen to, the host said that he emphasizes the importance of gratitude. He teaches his young boys that if they are grateful for something, that they will always be humble and that will make them good men. And then he challenged his listeners to report on what they are…

Build Your Own AR-15

Build Your Own AR-15

This is an exciting class for us. We have partnered with Critical Dynamics to offer this very unusual and useful class at Garnet School. I may or may not have an AR-15-class rifle. But, like a lot of people who own such tools, I only know enough to put rounds in the magazine and keep…

Are You Prepared?

Are You Prepared?

I’ve been thinking about the current state of affairs, and so I put my thoughts together and wrote to my two sons, one who lives in Colorado and the other in Tennessee. To my sons, I’m not the paranoid type, but I do like being prepared. I’ve wasted a lot of time, energy, and money…

GrokFest NH 2022 Trip Report

GrokFest NH 2022 Trip Report

We recently held our first GrokFest NH. By all reports, it was a rousing success. Seems like everyone had a great time. We “opened the doors” at noon on Friday. The first people started showing up around 1pm (That’s noon, adjusted for Anarchist Standard Time). The first activity was a UTV Fun Hunt, where people,…

Who Are We?

Who Are We?

I bought this 60-acre property in 2007. The house was a 1970s-style ranch that had to be completely gutted and remodeled. During the warmer seasons, I would clear about an acre of trees (mostly pine) and start to learn how to homestead. I raised chickens and pigs, kept bees, did some gardening, and dug ponds….

Why Garnet?

Why Garnet?

What is the “Garnet” in “Garnet School”? Back in 2016, we built “The Barn”, which is a building that is designed as a workshop to build tiny houses. It is tall enough to accommodate the largest trailer that is allowed on the freeways, and wide enough to work on the trailer with room to move…